Grasshopper로 반지 디자인하기

— Ring Design with Grasshopper 

Jeeyong Shin, Sep 01, 2019

The design of each ring was created to learn the various functions of Grasshopper in an educational institution, so it referenced existing design cases. Therefore, commoners do not have any ownership or copyright in the design elements except algorithms.

You can freely download and edit these algorithms to learn grasshopper or create your design. Not necessarily, but I would be glad if you let me know these were helpful to you.

You may need to install some additional GH Component Packs. Please refer to the following article.

︎ I will occasionally upload new algorithms because there will be GH classes at least until the end of this year.
︎ 02-Gem-Railing: Occasional errors (Sweep 2 Component) when opening files in Rhino 5. (Rhino 6 is fine!)
︎ 10-Cube-Packing:  GH File loading takes a long time due to Solid Union Component.

01. Voronoi Half Cover

Key Elements: Seamless Voronoi Pattern, Weaverbird(Catmull-Clark Subdivision)
Additional GH Component Pack: Kangaroo, Weaverbird

02. Gem Railing

Key Elements: Graph Mapper, Sweep 2 Rails, Peacock(Gem Railing, Prong & Cutter Setting)
Additional GH Component Pack: Peacock

03. Plait Pattern

Key Elements: Radial Array, Helical Foam, Graph Mapper
Additional GH Component Pack: Treesloth

04. Image Sampling

Key Elements: Image Sampling, Surface from Points
Additional GH Component Pack: None

05. Diamond Pattern

Key Elements: Seamless Diamond Pattern, Lunchbox(Panelizing), Weaverbird(Catmull-Clark Subdivision)
Additional GH Component Pack: Lunchbox, Weaverbird

06. Tension Grab

Key Elements: Size Auto-Measuring, Math(Trigonometrical Function), Orientation
Additional GH Component Pack: None

07. Radial Waffle Structure

Key Elements: Bowerbird(BB Radial, BB Text), Orientation, Text Editing
Additional GH Component Pack: Bowerbird, Treesloth

08. Voronoi Scale Diversification

Key Elements: Seamless Voronoi Pattern, Weaverbird(Catmull-Clark Subdivision)
Additional GH Component Pack: Weaverbrid

09. Voronoi Cell Subdivision

Key Elements: Seamless Voronoi Pattern, Weaverbird(Catmull-Clark Subdivision)
Additional GH Component Pack: Weaverbrid

10. Cube Random Gradient

Key Elements: Point in Curve, Random with Attractor(Random Gradient), Chamfer Box
Additional GH Component Pack: Weaverbrid